Unfortunately, the whirlpool water always becomes very milky after adding Lotus Clean. There are also a lot of suspended particles, which look like skin particles, in the water. The water was clear before. We have already been using Lotus Clean Basic and Lotus Clean Shock for three weeks according to the instructions. The PH value is 7.4-7.6 and the filter capacity has also been increased. Can you please tell me where the problem could be coming from?
Lotus Clean Basic encapsulates pollutants and this encapsulation makes the whirlpool water milky. The suspended matter is also encapsulated dirt. The milky water and the suspended matter indicate that there is a heavy dirt load in the water. If you add Lotus Clean to distilled water, you will never notice any turbidity. Thus, the turbidity and the suspended particles are a confirmation that Lotus Clean Basic is working properly.
Where does the dirt come from?
There are four main causes for this dirt:
1) There are already biofilms in the pipes or in the fan ducts. This biofilm is dissolved by using Lotus Clean Shock and then encapsulated by Lotus Clean Basic.
2) There are still deposits (waxes and separating agents) on the plastic surface of the whirlpool tub. These are also dissolved by Lotus Clean Shock and the warm water.
3) There are minerals in the water. These can be lime, magnesium, manganese, iron, copper etc.. These substances are also encapsulated by Lotus Clean Basic.
4) Especially in the beginning, many people use the whirlpool. If you have never been in a whirlpool before, there is a lot of deep-seated dirt in your skin that cannot be removed even by showering beforehand. This dirt is loosened by the warm whirlpool water and the water massage and gets into the water.
Why does the water remain cloudy after adding Lotus Clean Basic?
The cause lies in inadequate filtration, which is the main reason for inflatable whirlpools in particular. The following should be noted here:
1) The filter running time should be at least 6 hours per day. If there are problems, it can be doubled or tripled.
2) The filters are very small. A large hard shell whirlpool normally has 2 filters with 5 sqm filter surface each - i.e. 10 sqm filter surface. An inflatable whirlpool usually has only one filter with less than 1 sqm filter surface.
3) There are great differences in the quality of the filter fleeces. Unfortunately, a very simple and cheap fleece is almost always used for inflatable whirlpools.
For these reasons, the filters cannot filter out the dirt at all or only insufficiently.
But this is exactly where you can start. First of all, you should set the filter runtime to the maximum. In addition, you should clean the filters daily. For cleaning, we strongly recommend the use of Filter Wash Natural and a filter spray. This is the only way to remove all the dirt (including greasy dirt) from the filters. Simply rinsing the filters with water is not sufficient. The greasy dirt remains in the fleece and continues to clog the filter.
To get around the problem of cloudy water, you can also use a trick. Increase the amount of Lotus Clean Shock and reduce the amount of Lotus Clean Basic in the beginning. This increases oxidation (the dirt is "cold-burned" by Lotus Clean Shock and broken down into its basic components) and relieves the strain on the filters. By reducing Lotus Clean Basic at the same time, the amount of encapsulated dirt is reduced. This also relieves the filters.
Practically it could look like this:
Week 1: 150 to 180 ml Lotus Clean Shock per week. After each bath, an additional 30 ml Lotus Clean Shock per person. 10 ml Lotus Clean Basic
Week 2: 100 to 120 ml Lotus Clean Shock per week. After each bath, an additional 20 ml Lotus Clean Shock per person. 20 ml Lotus Clean Basic
Week 3: 60 to 70 ml Lotus Clean Shock per week. After each additional bath 10 ml Lotus Clean Shock per person. 30 ml Lotus Clean Basic
In addition, you should set the pH value at 6.5 to 6.8 to prevent limescale from forming and clouding the water. To measure the pH value, please be sure to use an electronic pH tester. The test strips are usually too inaccurate.