Why does the pH value rise constantly? I have already added a whole bottle of Lotus Clean pH-Minus liquid to the water. Nevertheless, the pH value rises again and again.
The pH value indicates whether the water is acidic, neutral or alkaline. Where 1.0 indicates a strong acid, 7.0 indicates the neutral point, and 14.0 indicates a strong base, and when the pH rises it indicates that an acid is leaving the water. In fresh water, this acid is the gas carbon dioxide dissolved in the water. Because the water is heated and swirled, the carbon dioxide gasifies out and the pH of the water rises. In order to lower the pH value, a pH reducer (consisting of an acid) is added to the water. It replaces carbon dioxide, so to speak. There is a limited amount of carbon dioxide in the water.
As soon as the carbon dioxide is out-gassed, the pH value stabilises itself and no pH minus has to be added. The carbon dioxide is chemically bound to calcium in the water. This means that a water with a lot of calcium, a hard water, contains much more carbon dioxide than a soft water. Therefore the pH value rises stronger, faster and longer the harder a water is.
With a soft water it can be that the pH-value remains stable after only one week. With very hard water, it can happen that the pH value rises permanently over several weeks. In this case I would recommend using our Calc Down Pads, which remove the calcium ions from the water and soften the water. This saves a lot of work and a lot of pH minus.