LC024 -- Is it a problem to use the whirlpool only rarely?

We do not use our whirlpool continuously. It is located in a vacation house and is only used twice a year, each time for 2 to 3 months. Is that a problem?

This is a problematic situation. The whirlpool is drained at the end of the vacation period and then it sits for several months without disinfection. The residual water - as much as 50 liters - in the piping cannot be drained. It begins to putrefy. The bacteria count in this water explodes and biofilms form that are difficult to remove.

When the whirlpool is filled again, the fresh water is immediately contaminated with the bacteria and dirt.

In order to prevent this scenario, I would recommend a shock treatment with Lotus Clean Shock before the old water is drained. Add 100 ml Shock per 1000 liters of water in the whirlpool and let it work overnight. In this way, all bacteria that may be present will be killed and the water that remains in the piping will continue to be strongly disinfected. For the time being, no bacteria can grow there.

When refilling the whirlpool, I would recommend basic cleaning of the whirlpool with Lotus Clean System Wash. Should any biofilms have formed in the piping, it will be removed by the basic cleaning.

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