I start coughing and experience shortness of breath when I use the hot tub. What causes this?
Biofilm forms in the pipes of many newer and older hot tubs. This biofilm is produced by bacteria. The film has a soft to partially rock-hard consistency and is virtually impossible to remove from the walls of the pipes. The biofilm also traps numerous chemicals that have been used to treat the water.
You can use Lotus Clean Basic and Lotus Clean Shock to dissolve and remove this biofilm. Shock by itself can loosen and dissolve biofilm very quickly, and oxidizes the old chemicals contained in it. This may release fumes that can lead to coughing and shortness of breath. To remedy this, the hot tub should be subjected to a thorough basic cleaning. Following this basic cleaning, a little more than the recommended amount of Lotus Clean Shock should be used during the subsequent first few days.